Taking Action for a Better Future
Boots on the ground, hands in the dirt
It starts at the grassroots. We engage the community in hands on environmental volunteer projects in the garden state and beyond.
Since 2012 we have held over 150 cleanups to remove tons of illegal dumping from the preserved forest of Stag Hill in Mahwah, home to the Ramapo Lenape Nation.
Every year we run over 50 volunteer days engaging our community in trash cleanups, trail building, farm work, and more.
From scouts groups, to college classes, business groups and everyone in between we mobilize hundreds of volunteers per year to take action for a better future.
We work with college aged students spring, summer, and fall through our internship programs that give students their first experience with hands on environmental work both on our farms and on the trails.
Environmental change occurs through interacting with it. Everyone eats, and what better way than farming to bridge the gap between environmental apathy and environmental action?