2023 Annual Report
We are proud to present our first ever annual report! Check out our 2023 accomplishments!
Our Mission
To be the model for the creation of scalable ecological solutions that inspires and empowers people to take action for a better future.
Part of this mission is to build grassroots momentum for the environmental movement within local communities and to inspire individuals to create long-term change within their communities. Since MEVO was founded in 2008, we have mobilized over 7,000 volunteers of all ages to carry out over 70,000 hours of environmental community service at over 450 environmental volunteer events in Northern New Jersey and Lower New York State.
Our Vision
To help communities create social value change to achieve a better and healthier future through strategic volunteerism and directive education.
About Our Organization
MEVO (Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization, Inc.) is an environmental not-for-profit organization which carries out sustainability projects in Northern New Jersey. MEVO was founded in 2008 by then high school student Eric J. Fuchs-Stengel with the purpose of engaging community members and volunteers in projects that transform suburban communities to be environmentally sustainable. MEVO addresses local environmental concerns ranging from stopping illegal trash dumping throughout the indigenous community of the Ramapough Lunaape Nation, to creating sustainable community farms, and building miles of low-impact hiking trails.
What Makes Us Unique?
MEVO goes above and beyond traditional environmental organizations by training youth to become environmental leaders and change agents. We are a youth lead and youth empowering organization led by paid and unpaid staff between the ages of eighteen to twenty-seven. Additionally, about eighty percent of our community volunteers are of college-age. We are led by youth because we believe that it is young people who need to take action today to address the global environmental problems that will be faced by upcoming generations. We believe in leading by example and engaging in direct hands-on action towards creating a more sustainable world. By inspiring students and young people and providing them with the tools to succeed, we instill in them the drive to become leaders in their community who will create a lifetime of positive environmental change. Many youth leaders trained by our organization have gone on to receive local and national awards, recognitions, and have been hired into full-time jobs with environmental and not-for-profit organizations.
Youth Activism
MEVO is a youth lead and youth empowering organization. MEVO goes above and beyond traditional environmental organizations by training youth to become environmental leaders and change agents. We believe in leading by example and engaging in direct hands-on action towards creating a more sustainable world. By inspiring students and young people and providing them with the tools to succeed, we instill in them the drive to become leaders in their community who will create a lifetime of positive environmental change. Many youth leaders trained by our organization have gone on to receive local and national awards, recognitions, and have been hired into full-time jobs with environmental and not-for-profit organizations.
Sustainability is the goal and founding belief of MEVO. It broadly reflects the recognition that our actions today affect our prospects for tomorrow, and increasingly, these actions will affect the quality of life and prospects of future generations. The actions MEVO takes by organizing volunteer service events are aimed to promote environmental sustainability, to reduce negative impact on the environment and promote environmentally friendly lifestyles.